Monday 9 May 2011

Time for tea

You know what would go well with a nice rich moist cupcake? A cup of tea. Or even a whole pot of tea.
Just imagine having afternoon tea with a table full of delicious cakes and this baby sat in the middle.
It's so adorable. Cupcakes literally work with everything. Tea is especially nice if it's made with loose tea leaves. But if your teapot doesn't have a tea infuser don't worry. You can get individual ones that fit perfectly in a cup just like these adorable things.

I've also seen one before that looks like a yellow submarine. Although i do love the ones that look good at the bottom of your cup, there is a slight problem. When your water turns all lovely and brown you won't be able to see the cute tea infuser anymore. That's why i love this next one.
The cute little duck just floats on top of your tea and gives you a nice little kiss on the nose every time you take a sip. Thank you duck.
Has anyone seen those teapot and cups which are combined. You know with a cup on the bottom and a teapot for one on the top? Ones that look something like this:
Although that itself is pretty impressive, just check out these beauts.

Mr. Tea and the Leaning tower of TEAsa. Love these!

This combination of cup and teapot is amazing. But as i said at the start of the post it's nice to have a cup of tea with something to eat, like a cupcake, or biscuits. This next mug solves all of your problems. It's a plate and mug combined!
I might feel a bit bad stealing the food right out of his mouth, as he looks quite hungry. But i think i'll get over it.
And finally I can't have a post without including an owl. Luckily i haven't covered the topic of tea cosies. I love a knitted tea cosy. They just look way cuter than a large lump of a cosy that just slips over the top and hides the teapot completely.
And who can't fall in love with this one. Give a hoot.

Whoo wants tea?

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