Monday 9 May 2011


I haven't really had a post about cupcakes yet. I mean i probably should because it's in the title of my blog. I have a lot of things with cupcakes on them, coasters, calendars, mouse pads and even my piggy bank is shaped like a cupcake.I love that there are just so many different decorations that are possible. I think i prefer ones that are about half cake half frosting. Probably very bad for my teeth. But very very tasty.
from Cutestfood added by Meghan
Pink! It's my favourite colour, so how could i not adore this perfectly pink cupcake. Lets hope it tastes as good as it looks.

I also like cupcakes with characters on them. I think everyone and their mother has either made, or seen cupcakes with sesame street characters on them. What started out as something completely original and amazing is now quite overused. So i won't bore you with another picture of them.
I quite like these next ones though.
from sweeterthansugar
I'm surprised we don't see more frog cupcakes after the new Disney film the Princess and the frog came out. I wouldn't mind kissing these beauties, might add a lick or two, and maybe even a few bites. What am i saying, i can't resist these cuties. I don't care if they have faces. I would devour them.

I also love cupcakes which are decorated as a whole picture rather that as individuals. You can then combine them and have them laid out like a cake. Too kawaii!
Who doesn't love the very hungry caterpillar. Although all the cupcakes aren't individual, i think the overall effect is adorable.
from avadakedavraurmother
These ones are also too creative. Whoever comes up with these ideas is a genius. I love the kiwi palm trees, biscuit sand and frosting waves. Yum.

My middle name is rose and because of this i fall for anything with a rose on it. I showed you the rose cake in a previous post from iambaker, but how about individual rose cupcakes!
from vintagerosegarden
Whoever decorated these bad boys is my new idol. How on earth do you make frosting do that? I want a tutorial please!

Cupcakes are perfect and anyone who disagrees with me obviously hasn't tried the right ones. But don't fear if you don't like cake there are other options for cupcakes. Like these cookies!
from earthboundwinglessdream
I know they're not technically cupcakes, but i wouldn't say no if i got offered one!

Anyone else feeling a little bit peckish?

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