Wednesday 18 May 2011

random, ramblings, sporcle

I have a slight obsession with online quizzes. They are the perfect procrastination activity.
sporcle for example is pure genius, I'm not really intellectual enough to be able to complete most of these but they are enjoyable all the same. I love the Just for fun, misc and entertainment categories which are listed at the top of the page.

In other news, my obsession with owls has a new found love. Rings.

I've bought myself one from Etsy. Cutest thing ever may i add. This is a picture of it:

Back to my normal randomness. Here are a few pictures to make you giggle.
 Yes. Yes. Yes he will. He doesn't like it when you get friendly with his ladies! Ultimate ladies man.
 Chuck Norris never fails to amaze me. His manliness tops the scales and a path of destruction follows him where ever he may go,
 I don't know where this is? I'm hoping it's McDonalds. But i doubt it. Either way I'm pretty sure it's going to scare the children away. Now i can go in the kiddies play area. I don't care if I'm too big. I want to go down the slides!
 I want this in the front of every book. It's like instructions. Every book NEEDS instructions. I mean what if you're supposed to read it backwards, or upside-down, or destroy it?!?!?!
 Too literal Dan, Too literal. But quite informative. Thank you Dan.
 Oh this is genius. I've never understood why they call Poo a "stool" there's nothing stool like about it. Apart from the colour. Now I'm thinking too much. Horrible mental images. Can't un-see what's been seen O.O
 A mixture of portal. This facebook guy. and Bear Grylls. This meme pretty much has everything you could ever need. On second thoughts, It would be better with forever alone guy.
 I'm purified! No need to ever repent my sins to a priest ever again. not that i ever did. But that's the point. Those little boxes with the screen that blurs his face is kind of creepy. You've got no idea who you could be talking to. Luckily this solves all my problems.
 Your scales say it all. You're only weighing yourself to see how fat you are, or if you have somehow miraculously become less fat. I doubt skinny people weigh themselves as much as fat people. Sounds like a good idea for a sociological study.
Yes it has been photoshopped, but it's genius. There's a picture with the photoshopping the other way around. And Kate looks pretty good with blond hair i must say. I can't remember where i saw it though. So good luck finding it. May of been on one of the failblog sites. Have fun searching!

And one last thing. I need a cupcake. A sponge cupcake. No not made out of sponge cake. Actual sponge.
My life is complete! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey could you post a link/credit to the sponge? The website is Thanks!
