Monday 9 May 2011

Result of boredom and a bag of fabric

This weekend i was bored, and procrastinating. I was sat in the dinning room staring at a bag full of fabric and thought to myself that making some fabric flowers would be a perfect way to cure my boredom.
I started by making a few flowers and after a while got questioned by my mother about what i was going to do with them, i literally had no idea.
After a while i had a sudden epiphany. I'd sew them all onto a ball to make a bouquet. But instead of putting it on a stick like a regular bouquet that brides wander around holding on to, i decided to make it a hanging bouquet. And here is the end result.

 This is a picture of the end result hanging in my bedroom window. I love it. Far better than that wind chime i had in there before. Even if it did have a cute rose on it.

Here's a few more things i want to make.
This box of books. It's quite difficult to find a place to put a box sometimes, especially if you don't want it on show. This box of books is the perfect solution. Just place it on your book shelf and it will blend in perfectly. Now all i need is a few book from the charity shop, a sharp knife and some super glue.

I need to add a few more things to my charity shop list too.
Some toy animals. All you need to do to make these kawaii picture frames is a few solid plastic toy animals, a saw to chop them in a half, a few magnets and super glue. They'd look perfect in a child's room or playroom. Personally i'd put them in my bedroom, i don't care if i'm too old. Wonder if i could find a unicorn?
I quite like unicorns.
SQUEEEE! sorry i just had to add that in. Not totally relevant but amazing all the same.

I also want to make some of these lightbulbs.
Just need some over-sized lightbulbs, frosted glass spray and some tape cut in circles. I love the patterns that they make on the walls. I wonder if you can get pink frosted glass spray?

What do you want to make? I need to find some more things that would work with owls, or cupcakes. I could get books about owls. Or cupcake cookbooks to make the box of books. Don't think either would work for the animal picture frames or the frosted bulbs though.

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