Saturday 21 May 2011

This is when it gets 10X worse

So Thursday i said i hadn't found an owl blog. Well this yesterday i did. I only wish i didn't discover it when i'm in the middle of studying for exams. Now my procrastination revolves around scrolling through pages of owl related items. I can't help myself. They're just so Kawaii!
The blog is called My owl barn and has pretty much everything you could ever want to look at. Who knew that owls were this common?

Here are a few of my favourite things so far.
 It's an individual pencil holder, or whatever holder you want really made by putting paper mache on an egg!
 It's an adorable GIANT owl necklace made from silk, because the last thing you want is a great hunk of heavy metal dragging you down all day.
 These are part of a set of alphabet cards, i personally would just download them for this one!

Another reason that i love her website is that you can browse by category. And one of these categories is Something Sweet, it's full of cakes, cupcakes, party ideas and cake toppers in the shape of owls! That fits quite nicely with my cupcake obsession.

I found these recently. They are light switch covers. They are bright colours. They are owls. You can literally decorate anything you can think of now-a-days. I want one. Badly.

Here are a few more pictures that I've stumbled upon this week that have made me chuckle. Or just made me want whatever it is really bad.
This just made me laugh. Parents can be so odd at times. Even weirder when they don't really understand technology. I found this on crazy things parents say.
I want a bedroom like this! Well i did until i realised that it would be impossible to clean, and the fish would be able to see you naked, and doing other things. What if a scuba diver just happens to be passing by? No thank you. It's still pretty cool though. Found on one of the failblog sites. Yes i'm sort of obsessed with that site too. It was on Win.
I love etsy, there are just so many things on it. And they're all amazing. And i love this print. I mean it's a fact. And i do adore art and being creative. Imagine a world without creativity. Eh.

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