Tuesday 10 May 2011

Baby it's hot outside, i've got somebody to love

These past few weeks have been nice! It's been sunny, the birds have been singing, the owls hooting and the frogs hopping.... Anyway. The sun has been shimmering down on Britain at just the perfect heat that you can be outside all day long without boiling or getting insanely sunburnt. It's pretty much like the perfect British summer, in spring.
What i love more than anything about nice weather is the icecream trucks coming out, playing their horrible out-of-tune music which everyone loves anyway. And selling ridiculously expensive delights which are sold at half the price in winter. (That actually isn't sarcasm. I do love them) They give me that "it's summer and everything is amazing" feeling.
Keeping with the topic of icecream i thought i'd show you some ridiculously cute looking delights that i would love to have a nom on sat on the grass in the park on a lovely day.
It's pink, it's two flavours, it's shaped like a heart. I'm in love. I want this icecream.
I don't think i'd ever be able to mould icecream into this shape. But there are even more impossible icecream creations such as this one.
Icecream shaped like a rose! Yes a rose. I couldn't help myself. I just love them so so much. Whoever makes these has to be my new best friend. Or waiter? they can serve me yummy looking treats all day long and i will get incredibly fat.
Speaking of fat...
Elephants are quite fat right? This looks like something so simple to make. I can make a noise that kind of sounds like an elephant. Keep your lips tight together and blow out of them.
This guy can do it. But his baby is a bit of a failure. Quite cute though all the same :)
More icecream shaped like animals. I like the turtle. It looks like it's mint flavour! Mint chocolate chip is my favourite.
Ice-cream in a cookie bowl! yum yum yum!

Now more owls! I've got to have more owls. They are just too adorable to have a post without some.
 I want this backpack. Yes i realize that I'm not a 5 year old so it probably wouldn't fit on my back too well but it looks so kawaii!
And if all my keys looked like this they would never get lost. I'd have my eyes on them at all times.
I love owls :)

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