Thursday 9 June 2011

Revision, procrastination and distractions

I've been revising for about a month now. My last exam is on Monday. Just 3 short days away and i can't wait. My last exam ever. (PGCE has no exams! woop) My first exam was in mid May and i spent about 10 days revising for it. So it's safe to say that i'm now sick and tired of revision. However there have been a few things that have kept me going.
I'll start with talking about actual revising i guess.
My exams consist of essays, lots of essays. They are also mostly seen. Or i can guess which questions will show up. I start with writing an essay and then transferring the paragraphs onto note-cards.
These get me through exams, without them i'd surely fail. I put a title on one side and the info on the other. And then play memorization games with myself!
This is my current stack of note-cards i'm aiming to memorize.
Before i do this, i try to remember the order of the note-cards and all the references, all 24 of them.
This becomes my essay plan on the day of the exam so try to get it down in around 5 minutes.
Here it is, isn't it beautiful! haha
Now for the procrastination. Recently in town they've been giving out free Lipton iced tea. Yum. I love the stuff. My boyfriend doesn't = more for me! I went and got some this morning walking past the lovely ladies about 4 times and accumulated 8 bottles. I had a few yesterday and Tuesday too!
They're supposed to get me through the whole day, meaning i don't have to go downstairs to fetch drinks while studying. But i tend to drink them as a form of procrastination. Yummy yummy procrastination. So after about an hour or so after fetching them from town my supplies are already dwindling.
I also do this annoying thing with the bottles as i'm drinking where you blow across it to make a musical instrument. Everyone must of done this at some point in their lives. As i drink the sound gets deeper and deeper. I tend to keep going until my boyfriend gets very annoyed and tells me to stop! ha.

Speaking of music. Who's seen Google homepage today? It's apparently Les Paul's 96th Birthday so it's a Guitar!!!

If you click the little keyboard under where the second g would be you can use your keyboard as a well, keyboard (piano) type thing. All you need is the top line of letters to get all the notes. qwertyuiop.
Anyone recognise this song?

It's Baa Baa Black Sheep obviously! I'm sad aren't i. I can literally find anything to do but study.

However, sometimes i am in the mood for studying and then get distracted. This distraction goes by the name of Hubba aka my boyfriend. Today i was dragged into town with him to go to the bank because he didn't "want to go alone". He finished exams 2 weeks ago today. Yes 2 weeks!

Anyway i've probably bored you enough now with my revision rant. Have a look at some cool pictures. Enjoy.

stop motion cake animation by Ali Mation. Watch it. I'm in serious awe of these cakes. Yum.

Check out this forest mural by Suzanne. She added the owl after, it's a picture. So she can remove it and add other animals as she feels. Awesome.
p.s. Yeah, the eyes glow in the dark!
Bath bombs that look like cupcakes!!!! I seriously want some of these.
Pedobear hot chocolate, Blow on it first kids, it's hot ;)
Teachers have these superpowers too, i can't wait to get them!

Back to revision. In the time it's taken me to write this post my supplies are now down to this.
And i have to pee, constantly. Oops.

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