Saturday 4 June 2011

bubbles, bubbles, my bubbles

Bubble tea is amazing. For any of you who haven't tried it it's made of milky or fruity tea, or a smoothie or pretty much whatever you want. Then the bubbles are made from Tapioca pearls. I first had it in America but it is originally from Thailand i think. Or Taiwan. I can't really remember. If you're curious though i'm sure Google will give you all the answers.
It's so yummy and i was craving some the other day. Apparently there's a place in Cardiff that does it called Zi's Cafe on Woodville road. And my boyfriend informs my that his sister gets it from somewhere on city road. But seeing as he never really listens to her properly doesn't know where. I will get it one day though!

I found the cutest bubble tea charm the other day on etsy made from polymer clay. I seriously love the stuff. I've written a post about it before i think.
Don't they just look adorable! I want one in ring form.

I recently found another blog that had a post about bubbles. Giant bubbles. And she had a way of making them yourself at home!
It's pretty much two sticks. A long piece of string and a shorter one. And you need something to weigh the longer one down with. Then you make a bubbly watery mixture and get making bubbles! The blog post is available here. Mrs Jones Blog.

This is just a random cake with bubbles on it. Yum.

And  for my last type of bubbles today i bring you bubbles, from finding Nemo. I have a friend who was obsessed with this clip.

Right onto the owls. I've always got to have some owls.
To make this cute little owl timer work you just twist his head around to the right time. I love that owls can turn their heads all the way round. They'd be the best teachers. Wise and always know what you're doing. They don't need to have eyes on the back of their heads.

This apron is the winner of an apron designing competition on spoonflower designed by Cean Irminger. The patterns and directions are both available on the same yard piece of fabric. Genius. Owl be Darned.

Now for a nice relaxing weekend off. Enjoy everyone.

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