Wednesday 1 June 2011

Green tea

When i think of green icecream the flavour that immediately comes to mind is mint. That may be just because my favourite icecream in the world is mint chocolate chip. And for some reason when the icecream is green it makes me even happier.
So imagine my surprise when i found a green icecream that was actually green tea flavour.
And this got me thinking. I know green tea is pretty popular, heck i even saw a green tea cupcake on The cupcake blog the other day.
When you think of tea you think of China. Well i do anyway. With their tea ceremonies and their fields of tea leaves. So it seems only natural that an icing fortune cookie would fit in nicely with the green tea cupcake.
I also found these cupcakes.
What else is green tea flavour? Well i know for a fact that Starbucks has a chai tea latte, so into Google i go and surely enough they also have a range of green tea beverages.
There's a green tea frappuccino, green tea latte, and green tea iced latte. I do quite like the fact that coffee chains aren't just about the coffee anymore. There's such a wide variety of flavours that could suit just about anyone's taste buds.
These creations are all cakes. The giant one at the back is one of those giant cupcakes i think. Decorated to look like it has lots of chocolate whipped creme on top. The two in cups at the side, i'm pretty sure are just normal cupcakes with frosting. And then you've got a lovely cookie. I used to work in a coffee shop, and i got all the free beverages i wanted. I'm so jealous of past me. Not so jealous of the working hours though.

On my wanderings around the internet i found an owl, a green owl. Which is aptly named Green Tea owl. It's made by Lori Marie and is featured on her website. Click here for her prettylittlethings website it's so cute!
The one on the far right is the green tea owl. I'm pretty sure it varies in belly and eyelid colour seeing as it's handmade. Too Kawaii!

I'll leave you with one more owl to end the day.
yummy cake! Not tea related at all. Just squee.

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