Monday 6 June 2011


Who doesn't love a cute little baby? I do that's for sure. They're so flexible and talk about the most random stuff. When they're old enough to talk, and start walking they wander around like little drunk people.
This is probably one of the main reasons i want to be a teacher. They just make you laugh so much and all happy inside at how silly they are.
How flexible is that baby!? But then again i bet all babies can do this. They're just awesome like that. yay for being flexible. Boo for losing that super power as we grow up.
Isn't it nice when your fluffy cat is bigger than you are? I want a giant fluffy kitty that i can snuggle with all day. Well that's a lie, i'd rather it were a giant puppy. Cats make me sneeze!
Hahaha I really don't remember actually ever thinking that my nose really was stolen. But adults try so hard to convince you sometimes you just have to play along. I would give her nose back instantly, already paying enough for nappies!
Anyone who's watched Avatar the last airbender will understand this haircut. It's actually genius, now to convince my little brother to do it... Doubt he'd look as adorable though seeing as he's over 6ft tall!
Multicouloured eyes why are you so amazing. I've never seen green and blue before, only blue/green and brown. But this little girl is so cute. I bet she'll have all the boys running after her when she grows up.

Right now away from pictures of babies, and onto things that babies would like.
My brother and i used to draw pictures of what we wanted our rooms to look like when we were older. Mine consisted of a floating bed surrounded by a pink netting with a cosy room underneath it. I know this bed isn't exactly like what i used to want but it's pretty close. A cosy room under your bed! and a slide, i'm jealous of the child who owns this masterpiece.
u-create is a website full of crafty things that you can make and they've even got a page for kids create where there's a bunch of creative activities you can do with your kids. This is an amazing site for me to stumble upon because as a primary school teacher you have to come up with things to do in art lessons. And i'm just a DIY addict anyway. (p.s. their logo involves a picture of an Owl!)
This is my last picture for the day. It's a plant pot with a water well at the bottom. The little squirrel floats so when the pot is full is head pokes up clearly through the hole in the tree. But when the water is running low he ducks down. This is a great pot for use with children, to help them learn to take care of living things. They know exactly how much water to put in and exactly when it needs more water. Simples.

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