This is the longest amount of time i've ever spent making a single item, apart from maybe that scarf i made.
Anyway the pillow I've been making for my mum is finally done!
The colour looks a bit funny in this photo, i tried to fix it but failed. Anyway this is the back.
And this is the front. My parents names in the heart and a leaf for each of their children, and the dog!
I think it looks right at home sat on their bed. Now to wrap and hide it until Christmas. I'm way too ahead of myself.
This week i've been doing a lot of packing, you see i'm moving to Bedford on Tuesday! That's less than a week and i haven't even started sorting out my bedroom at all. Oops.
This is the cutest owl i've ever seen in my life. Don't even try and deny it, you know it's perfect!
Have i ever told you that i like VW camper vans? Well i do, a lot. Those and beetles! I don't know why but they're so adorable. The old beetles obviously. And i love that this camper van is on a cupcake. I just want to eat it up! nom nom nom.
They had lots of old cars at the unfair ground at Glastonbury this year. Can you see the VW beetle on the left? They also had lots of things made out of old cars. It was pretty cool.
Anyway enough rambling from me. I will blog more i promise, once i've moved and unpacked.
Have a lovely week!
A blog full of ramblings, Things i like and love, and things i have stumbled upon around the interwebs. A blog full of things which have provided me with a ray of sunshine for my day and a cheeky smile. I hope it provides you with the same joy.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
August is Red
In my last post I showed you come pictures of what I've been baking recently. Well I posted the plum cakes I made and since then have made a lot more plum goodies. Red Red plums.
Sadly I've not taken any pictures but I think you'll get the point! There's been loads of baking going on.
A plum crumble
Stewed plums with meringue and whipped creme
Another giant plum cake
German plum dumplings
And we still have heaps of plums left over, have you got any suggestions for more things i could make?
As promised this week I'd show you things I've been making.
I've had this little mirror lying around for months just waiting to be decorated. Before it was white covered in big colourful hand painted flowers. I also made those red rosettes a few months ago too with my glue gun *love it* but didn't have anything to do with them yet. Add a few pages out of a book my brother was using as a notebook for a photography project and hey presto. I also love that quote. Now i just need my boyfriend to look into it.
close-up of the fabric flower Rosettes made of a silky material.
Now I'm pretty sure that I told you what I'm making my mum for Christmas already. Well this is it. In the process. this is the back anyway. I've put buttons down the middle so it can easily be taken off for washing.
This is the front. Yes i haven't rotated it. But It's not done yet, so you'll be getting another picture soon. I still need to add more lines on the tree a few brown a few black. My parents names are in the heart and there's a leaf for each of their children. Me and my three siblings, and our dog!
These are my two newest owl additions. Made from my little brothers old socks and a bit of fabric i had lying around, oh and buttons too. Their names are Oliver and Olivia, perfect companions for Odette the last owl i made.
Moving on to things I've found on the internet and really like.
This bed. Must have it. Not as cool as a bed in a wardrobe i must admit but I'll settle for it. My boyfriend probably wouldn't mind this as much!
Now this is awesome! You attach a device full of powdered chalk onto your bike so as you ride it sticks to your tyre and you draw all over the road. I want to colour my village pink!
Owl jewelery; I've now got a stupid amount. An owl ring, two owl necklaces. One is a bronze owl in the middle and the other is a string of beads every other one shaped like an owl which is silver. Two pairs of dangling own ear-rings. You now the ones that are tiered. If not, sorry, that will probably confuse you. I don't really wear much jewelery but i make exceptions for owls.
This is me down to a T. I can't run to save my life, literally. I can't walk up hills to save my life. I feel like I'm going to die!
I'll try update more often for you, especially now that I've joined pinterest. You can find me here.
Sadly I've not taken any pictures but I think you'll get the point! There's been loads of baking going on.
A plum crumble
Stewed plums with meringue and whipped creme
Another giant plum cake
German plum dumplings
And we still have heaps of plums left over, have you got any suggestions for more things i could make?
As promised this week I'd show you things I've been making.
I've had this little mirror lying around for months just waiting to be decorated. Before it was white covered in big colourful hand painted flowers. I also made those red rosettes a few months ago too with my glue gun *love it* but didn't have anything to do with them yet. Add a few pages out of a book my brother was using as a notebook for a photography project and hey presto. I also love that quote. Now i just need my boyfriend to look into it.
close-up of the fabric flower Rosettes made of a silky material.
Now I'm pretty sure that I told you what I'm making my mum for Christmas already. Well this is it. In the process. this is the back anyway. I've put buttons down the middle so it can easily be taken off for washing.
This is the front. Yes i haven't rotated it. But It's not done yet, so you'll be getting another picture soon. I still need to add more lines on the tree a few brown a few black. My parents names are in the heart and there's a leaf for each of their children. Me and my three siblings, and our dog!
These are my two newest owl additions. Made from my little brothers old socks and a bit of fabric i had lying around, oh and buttons too. Their names are Oliver and Olivia, perfect companions for Odette the last owl i made.
Moving on to things I've found on the internet and really like.
This bed. Must have it. Not as cool as a bed in a wardrobe i must admit but I'll settle for it. My boyfriend probably wouldn't mind this as much!
Now this is awesome! You attach a device full of powdered chalk onto your bike so as you ride it sticks to your tyre and you draw all over the road. I want to colour my village pink!
Owl jewelery; I've now got a stupid amount. An owl ring, two owl necklaces. One is a bronze owl in the middle and the other is a string of beads every other one shaped like an owl which is silver. Two pairs of dangling own ear-rings. You now the ones that are tiered. If not, sorry, that will probably confuse you. I don't really wear much jewelery but i make exceptions for owls.
This is me down to a T. I can't run to save my life, literally. I can't walk up hills to save my life. I feel like I'm going to die!
I'll try update more often for you, especially now that I've joined pinterest. You can find me here.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Is it weird that i like killing people and infecting everything! Don't worry this isn't in real life. It's addicting flash internet games. I am recently obsessed with Pandemic 2 I've found that the only way to win is if you start in Madagascar and aim to infect everyone before killing them.
Here's a snapshot from my game. You see everyone is infected, but no-one is dead yet. That just leaves me to buy lots of symptoms which will kill people. Is this worse than zombies taking over the world? Or as everyone IS the living dead can they be classed as zombies?
Another one of my favourite games in tentacle wars I don't know if I've told you about this game before so I'll keep it short. You're a virus that has to kill other viruses from taking over a human body. Easy right? Nope.
Now on to a more cheerful subject. Games that aren't about mass infection and death.
I love physics games, I really don't know why. But i just found a new one! It's called Mechanical Puzzles. Yum.
Speaking of more things that are yummy. Here's a selection of the things which have been baked in my house recently. Sadly i didn't get any pictures of the Victoria Sponge cake made from an adapted red velvet recipe so tasted kind of like a welsh cake. I didn't get any of the coconut buns either which my sister stole and took back to Southampton with her. RUDE.
But i did get these beauties.
These are my basic cupcakes with 2 types of frosting. The first is Betty Crocker chocolate fudge. And the second is peppermint Royal icing. I like those ones the best even though everyone else says they taste like toothpaste.
My brother made these chocolate mud cupcakes. They are so moist on the inside and crumbly on the outside. yum yum yum.
Finally these are the plum cakes we made together. Our plum tree is brimming with plums. Too many to eat. Will have to think of a lot more thing to do with them before they go off.
So that's what I've been baking this week. Next week I'll show you what I've been making!
Here's a snapshot from my game. You see everyone is infected, but no-one is dead yet. That just leaves me to buy lots of symptoms which will kill people. Is this worse than zombies taking over the world? Or as everyone IS the living dead can they be classed as zombies?
Another one of my favourite games in tentacle wars I don't know if I've told you about this game before so I'll keep it short. You're a virus that has to kill other viruses from taking over a human body. Easy right? Nope.
Now on to a more cheerful subject. Games that aren't about mass infection and death.
I love physics games, I really don't know why. But i just found a new one! It's called Mechanical Puzzles. Yum.
Speaking of more things that are yummy. Here's a selection of the things which have been baked in my house recently. Sadly i didn't get any pictures of the Victoria Sponge cake made from an adapted red velvet recipe so tasted kind of like a welsh cake. I didn't get any of the coconut buns either which my sister stole and took back to Southampton with her. RUDE.
But i did get these beauties.
These are my basic cupcakes with 2 types of frosting. The first is Betty Crocker chocolate fudge. And the second is peppermint Royal icing. I like those ones the best even though everyone else says they taste like toothpaste.
My brother made these chocolate mud cupcakes. They are so moist on the inside and crumbly on the outside. yum yum yum.
Finally these are the plum cakes we made together. Our plum tree is brimming with plums. Too many to eat. Will have to think of a lot more thing to do with them before they go off.
So that's what I've been baking this week. Next week I'll show you what I've been making!
Friday, 5 August 2011
The girl and her owl.
I've seen so many beautiful pieces of artwork recently that have owls and girls in them. I love the way the artists compare the girls to the owls they're portrayed with and wanted to just share a few with you.
I found this neutral coloured piece on Flickr, it's by the wonderfully creative 64colours. I love the way the girls hat matches the owl's feathers and their identical eyes.
This gorgeous piece is by Jen Mann she has a number of images which all compare females to different animals. The short hair and sculpted eyebrows go well with the owl.
Sara Blake illustrates a number of pieces which have birds in them including cockerels and the owl above. This particular image is available in a number of colours which are shown beneath the image. I love the way the feathers look more like fabric.
Chad Woodward has a range of greetings cards which can be found here at Urban Graphic. This card is from a group which are called "Melodika" due to the theme of music running throughout. The idea of an owl as a DJ is genius. This picture makes me happy on the inside.
Society6 is full of great artists such as: Ola Liola and Amanda Mocci. The images which these two artists have produced are probably my favourite two that I'm blogging about today.
This one is by Ola. I love the little details in this picture such as the little bird in the bottom right corner and the tiny bit of colour for the cheeks of both the owl and girl adding symmetry. The plaits also look like feathers, well maybe that's just me. But so cute!
Amanda is amazing. This is my favourite. I love the hair! And the pattern on her neck. I also like the limited colour palette. Just a dark yellow and redish-brown colour. I want this is my room. Or tattooed on my back. Not really... but you get the picture.
P.S. I added the quote underneath the image. I thought it went so well!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
I found this neutral coloured piece on Flickr, it's by the wonderfully creative 64colours. I love the way the girls hat matches the owl's feathers and their identical eyes.
This gorgeous piece is by Jen Mann she has a number of images which all compare females to different animals. The short hair and sculpted eyebrows go well with the owl.
Sara Blake illustrates a number of pieces which have birds in them including cockerels and the owl above. This particular image is available in a number of colours which are shown beneath the image. I love the way the feathers look more like fabric.
Chad Woodward has a range of greetings cards which can be found here at Urban Graphic. This card is from a group which are called "Melodika" due to the theme of music running throughout. The idea of an owl as a DJ is genius. This picture makes me happy on the inside.
Society6 is full of great artists such as: Ola Liola and Amanda Mocci. The images which these two artists have produced are probably my favourite two that I'm blogging about today.
This one is by Ola. I love the little details in this picture such as the little bird in the bottom right corner and the tiny bit of colour for the cheeks of both the owl and girl adding symmetry. The plaits also look like feathers, well maybe that's just me. But so cute!
Amanda is amazing. This is my favourite. I love the hair! And the pattern on her neck. I also like the limited colour palette. Just a dark yellow and redish-brown colour. I want this is my room. Or tattooed on my back. Not really... but you get the picture.
P.S. I added the quote underneath the image. I thought it went so well!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Sorry for the long gap between me posting again. I would make up a bunch of excuses but in reality i just forget. How bad is that! I've been in North Wales and have had family friends over for a weekend so i have been "sort of" busy.
Here's just a collection of images that i've found while stumbling around the internet. I hope you enjoy!
This is cleverbot (the one typing in blue) She's pretty fun to talk to. She saves responses from people who have spoken to her and uses these to respond to others so seems pretty intelligent. However i have noticed that she doesn't take the whole conversation into context, just the previous sentence. But still fun non-the-less!
This meme makes me giggle. But it's so true! Some girls will happily prance around in their bikinis and not care who sees but is horrified if anyone catches her in her underwear. What's the big difference really? Apart from maybe a thong!
This image makes me giggle. Especially top left. He just looks so angry in comparison to all the others!
I would be that happy when i got post, apart from the fact that it's normally just bank statements and student finance letters. If anyone sent me a letter i would be over the moon! My dad, knower of all things, says that paper and fountain pen sales have been rising slowly over the past few years as more people love the feeling of sending and receiving hand written mail. Cute.
Continuing with the theme of modern times being LAME! haha. The thing about the present is that because of the internet we can find thousands of useless facts and information that really are pointless and everyone is nostalgic for "simpler times". They want children to play in the streets without worrying about pedophiles or being kid-napped. Apparently those times were safer. I think every generation has this attitude. I bet out great-grandparents were nostalgic for their childhood times. But kidnappings and pedophilia hasn't risen, it's just more widely publicized due to the media accepting that it does occur. And all the technology we now have has led us to create machines which can save lives and cleverbot! We can also travel more! I like the future.
Anyway, moving on. I appologise for that ramble. Hipster glasses! I've mentioned before that hipsters must hate that being hipster is in style right now. But charity shops must be loving it! these glasses are so cute! Those with a nice mustache would look so adorable. Never know she may have one in her etsy shop. She's got an owl!
Speaking of mustaches. you didn't think i was going to have a blog post without cupcakes did you? I love the variety of mustaches on the guys with hats!
Can't have a cucake without a good cup of tea in a super cute mug. I seriously want a kiln now, you have no idea! I love that the squirrels body is indented into the mug while it's tail acts as the handle. It doesn't even need to be colourful because the detail in the design makes it stand out already.
Just like a can't have a post without cupcakes i can't have one without owls. You can now buy this kawaii t-shirt from lolmart. Go on buy one. I know you want to. RLY!
This image concludes my post for today. It's made by Suzy from Folk Art Papercuts. I love how intricate her designs are. If i ever wanted to make one I'd need a sharper scalpel knife because I'm pretty sure mine would just tear through the card. But i may still give it a go.
Hope you're having a lovely week so far!
Here's just a collection of images that i've found while stumbling around the internet. I hope you enjoy!
This is cleverbot (the one typing in blue) She's pretty fun to talk to. She saves responses from people who have spoken to her and uses these to respond to others so seems pretty intelligent. However i have noticed that she doesn't take the whole conversation into context, just the previous sentence. But still fun non-the-less!
This meme makes me giggle. But it's so true! Some girls will happily prance around in their bikinis and not care who sees but is horrified if anyone catches her in her underwear. What's the big difference really? Apart from maybe a thong!
This image makes me giggle. Especially top left. He just looks so angry in comparison to all the others!
I would be that happy when i got post, apart from the fact that it's normally just bank statements and student finance letters. If anyone sent me a letter i would be over the moon! My dad, knower of all things, says that paper and fountain pen sales have been rising slowly over the past few years as more people love the feeling of sending and receiving hand written mail. Cute.
Continuing with the theme of modern times being LAME! haha. The thing about the present is that because of the internet we can find thousands of useless facts and information that really are pointless and everyone is nostalgic for "simpler times". They want children to play in the streets without worrying about pedophiles or being kid-napped. Apparently those times were safer. I think every generation has this attitude. I bet out great-grandparents were nostalgic for their childhood times. But kidnappings and pedophilia hasn't risen, it's just more widely publicized due to the media accepting that it does occur. And all the technology we now have has led us to create machines which can save lives and cleverbot! We can also travel more! I like the future.
Anyway, moving on. I appologise for that ramble. Hipster glasses! I've mentioned before that hipsters must hate that being hipster is in style right now. But charity shops must be loving it! these glasses are so cute! Those with a nice mustache would look so adorable. Never know she may have one in her etsy shop. She's got an owl!
Speaking of mustaches. you didn't think i was going to have a blog post without cupcakes did you? I love the variety of mustaches on the guys with hats!
Can't have a cucake without a good cup of tea in a super cute mug. I seriously want a kiln now, you have no idea! I love that the squirrels body is indented into the mug while it's tail acts as the handle. It doesn't even need to be colourful because the detail in the design makes it stand out already.
Just like a can't have a post without cupcakes i can't have one without owls. You can now buy this kawaii t-shirt from lolmart. Go on buy one. I know you want to. RLY!
This image concludes my post for today. It's made by Suzy from Folk Art Papercuts. I love how intricate her designs are. If i ever wanted to make one I'd need a sharper scalpel knife because I'm pretty sure mine would just tear through the card. But i may still give it a go.
Hope you're having a lovely week so far!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Y U NO understand memes?
So i realized that i haven't had a post with memes in it for a while. So here are a few to entertain you. There's also i new one I've found.
This is the new one. That blue face with a mustache; liar face. Wish that happened in real life. Like Pinocchio but better!
Y U NO! Is one of my favourites. Hopefully the title of this blog post demonstrates that well enough.
So many faces all in one meme! I love it so much. And it includes Dr. Seuss. So a future primary school teacher that appeals to me immensely!
Oh the joys of windows. i wish i had a mac, because windows really is a bit sucky sometimes! But i don't want to give in to apple!
It's a hipster within a hipster! Everyone knows it cool t o be a hipster now, which must really piss off original hipsters!
Moving on to things which i just think are cool.
Yup, it's a smoke detector that looks like a bird. When there's only a small threat it chirps at you. But when there's a major threat it screams "dee dee dee" over and over at a very high decibel. Want.
And now some pictures of things from my life.
It was my birthday. I am now twenty. That rose on my slice of brownie is a rice paper rose which was given to me at the Chinese restaurant we had our meal it. I saved it. Then nomed it with chocolate!
And these are all my birthday cards! It's not obvious that i really like owls and cupcakes is it? Yeah thought not.
Somehow, and i really don't know how, we started to run out of cake at my house. I only just baked a lot of yummy treats! So i made this one. It's a red velvet cake decorated like a traditional Victoria sponge. It's so soft and moist and amazingly yummy. Which is something coming from me because i don't normally like sponge cakes!
This is a double rainbow. Just thought i'd show it to you. Because it's pretty and colourful!
Remember i said my brother bought me a kawaii ice-cube tray. Well this is it. There's a bear, panda, cat, chick, dog, and monkey. They're so squee!
He's in my baileys right now. Melting away. I love his little curly tail!
That's all for today. Hope you've had a lovely past week!
This blog post is in dedication to Jiraiya, The cutest white tree frog i knew. RIP
*nom nom* Cricket!
I'm an acrobat! 03/11-07/11 ♥
This is the new one. That blue face with a mustache; liar face. Wish that happened in real life. Like Pinocchio but better!
Y U NO! Is one of my favourites. Hopefully the title of this blog post demonstrates that well enough.
So many faces all in one meme! I love it so much. And it includes Dr. Seuss. So a future primary school teacher that appeals to me immensely!
Oh the joys of windows. i wish i had a mac, because windows really is a bit sucky sometimes! But i don't want to give in to apple!
It's a hipster within a hipster! Everyone knows it cool t o be a hipster now, which must really piss off original hipsters!
Moving on to things which i just think are cool.
Yup, it's a smoke detector that looks like a bird. When there's only a small threat it chirps at you. But when there's a major threat it screams "dee dee dee" over and over at a very high decibel. Want.
And now some pictures of things from my life.
It was my birthday. I am now twenty. That rose on my slice of brownie is a rice paper rose which was given to me at the Chinese restaurant we had our meal it. I saved it. Then nomed it with chocolate!
And these are all my birthday cards! It's not obvious that i really like owls and cupcakes is it? Yeah thought not.
Somehow, and i really don't know how, we started to run out of cake at my house. I only just baked a lot of yummy treats! So i made this one. It's a red velvet cake decorated like a traditional Victoria sponge. It's so soft and moist and amazingly yummy. Which is something coming from me because i don't normally like sponge cakes!
This is a double rainbow. Just thought i'd show it to you. Because it's pretty and colourful!
Remember i said my brother bought me a kawaii ice-cube tray. Well this is it. There's a bear, panda, cat, chick, dog, and monkey. They're so squee!
He's in my baileys right now. Melting away. I love his little curly tail!
That's all for today. Hope you've had a lovely past week!
This blog post is in dedication to Jiraiya, The cutest white tree frog i knew. RIP
*nom nom* Cricket!
I'm an acrobat! 03/11-07/11 ♥
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