In my last post I showed you come pictures of what I've been baking recently. Well I posted the plum cakes I made and since then have made a lot more plum goodies. Red Red plums.
Sadly I've not taken any pictures but I think you'll get the point! There's been loads of baking going on.
A plum crumble
Stewed plums with meringue and whipped creme
Another giant plum cake
German plum dumplings
And we still have heaps of plums left over, have you got any suggestions for more things i could make?
As promised this week I'd show you things I've been making.
I've had this little mirror lying around for months just waiting to be decorated. Before it was white covered in big colourful hand painted flowers. I also made those red rosettes a few months ago too with my glue gun *love it* but didn't have anything to do with them yet. Add a few pages out of a book my brother was using as a notebook for a photography project and hey presto. I also love that quote. Now i just need my boyfriend to look into it.
close-up of the fabric flower Rosettes made of a silky material.
Now I'm pretty sure that I told you what I'm making my mum for Christmas already. Well this is it. In the process. this is the back anyway. I've put buttons down the middle so it can easily be taken off for washing.
This is the front. Yes i haven't rotated it. But It's not done yet, so you'll be getting another picture soon. I still need to add more lines on the tree a few brown a few black. My parents names are in the heart and there's a leaf for each of their children. Me and my three siblings, and our dog!
These are my two newest owl additions. Made from my little brothers old socks and a bit of fabric i had lying around, oh and buttons too. Their names are Oliver and Olivia, perfect companions for Odette the last owl i made.
Moving on to things I've found on the internet and really like.
This bed. Must have it. Not as cool as a bed in a wardrobe i must admit but I'll settle for it. My boyfriend probably wouldn't mind this as much!
Now this is awesome! You attach a device full of powdered chalk onto your bike so as you ride it sticks to your tyre and you draw all over the road. I want to colour my village pink!
Owl jewelery; I've now got a stupid amount. An owl ring, two owl necklaces. One is a bronze owl in the middle and the other is a string of beads every other one shaped like an owl which is silver. Two pairs of dangling own ear-rings. You now the ones that are tiered. If not, sorry, that will probably confuse you. I don't really wear much jewelery but i make exceptions for owls.
This is me down to a T. I can't run to save my life, literally. I can't walk up hills to save my life. I feel like I'm going to die!
I'll try update more often for you, especially now that I've joined pinterest. You can find me here.
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