Sunday, 7 August 2011


Is it weird that i like killing people and infecting everything! Don't worry this isn't in real life. It's addicting flash internet games. I am recently obsessed with Pandemic 2 I've found that the only way to win is if you start in Madagascar and aim to infect everyone before killing them.
Here's a snapshot from my game. You see everyone is infected, but no-one is dead yet. That just leaves me to buy lots of symptoms which will kill people. Is this worse than zombies taking over the world? Or as everyone IS the living dead can they be classed as zombies?

Another one of my favourite games in tentacle wars I don't know if I've told you about this game before so I'll keep it short. You're a virus that has to kill other viruses from taking over a human body. Easy right? Nope.

Now on to a more cheerful subject. Games that aren't about mass infection and death.
I love physics games, I really don't know why. But i just found a new one! It's called Mechanical Puzzles. Yum.

Speaking of more things that are yummy. Here's a selection of the things which have been baked in my house recently. Sadly i didn't get any pictures of the Victoria Sponge cake made from an adapted red velvet recipe so tasted kind of like a welsh cake. I didn't get any of the coconut buns either which my sister stole and took back to Southampton with her. RUDE.
But i did get these beauties.
These are my basic cupcakes with 2 types of frosting. The first is Betty Crocker chocolate fudge. And the second is peppermint Royal icing. I like those ones the best even though everyone else says they taste like toothpaste.
My brother made these chocolate mud cupcakes. They are so moist on the inside and crumbly on the outside. yum yum yum.
Finally these are the plum cakes we made together. Our plum tree is brimming with plums. Too many to eat. Will have to think of a lot more thing to do with them before they go off.

So that's what I've been baking this week. Next week I'll show you what I've been making!

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