This is the longest amount of time i've ever spent making a single item, apart from maybe that scarf i made.
Anyway the pillow I've been making for my mum is finally done!
The colour looks a bit funny in this photo, i tried to fix it but failed. Anyway this is the back.
And this is the front. My parents names in the heart and a leaf for each of their children, and the dog!
I think it looks right at home sat on their bed. Now to wrap and hide it until Christmas. I'm way too ahead of myself.
This week i've been doing a lot of packing, you see i'm moving to Bedford on Tuesday! That's less than a week and i haven't even started sorting out my bedroom at all. Oops.
This is the cutest owl i've ever seen in my life. Don't even try and deny it, you know it's perfect!
Have i ever told you that i like VW camper vans? Well i do, a lot. Those and beetles! I don't know why but they're so adorable. The old beetles obviously. And i love that this camper van is on a cupcake. I just want to eat it up! nom nom nom.
They had lots of old cars at the unfair ground at Glastonbury this year. Can you see the VW beetle on the left? They also had lots of things made out of old cars. It was pretty cool.
Anyway enough rambling from me. I will blog more i promise, once i've moved and unpacked.
Have a lovely week!
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