Sunday, 17 July 2011

Y U NO understand memes?

So i realized that i haven't had a post with memes in it for a while. So here are a few to entertain you. There's also i new one I've found.
This is the new one. That blue face with a mustache; liar face. Wish that happened in real life. Like Pinocchio but better!
Y U NO! Is one of my favourites. Hopefully the title of this blog post demonstrates that well enough.
So many faces all in one meme! I love it so much. And it includes Dr. Seuss. So a future primary school teacher that appeals to me immensely!
Oh the joys of windows. i wish i had a mac, because windows really is a bit sucky sometimes! But i don't want to give in to apple!
It's a hipster within a hipster! Everyone knows it cool t o be a hipster now, which must really piss off original hipsters!

Moving on to things which i just think are cool.
Yup, it's a smoke detector that looks like a bird. When there's only a small threat it chirps at you. But when there's a major threat it screams "dee dee dee" over and over at a very high decibel. Want.

And now some pictures of things from my life.

It was my birthday. I am now twenty. That rose on my slice of brownie is a rice paper rose which was given to me at the Chinese restaurant we had our meal it. I saved it. Then nomed it with chocolate!
And these are all my birthday cards! It's not obvious that i really like owls and cupcakes is it? Yeah thought not.
Somehow, and i really don't know how, we started to run out of cake at my house. I only just baked a lot of yummy treats! So i made this one. It's a red velvet cake decorated like a traditional Victoria sponge. It's so soft and moist and amazingly yummy. Which is something coming from me because i don't normally like sponge cakes!
This is a double rainbow. Just thought i'd show it to you. Because it's pretty and colourful!
Remember i said my brother bought me a kawaii ice-cube tray. Well this is it. There's a bear, panda, cat, chick, dog, and monkey. They're so squee!
He's in my baileys right now. Melting away. I love his little curly tail!

That's all for today. Hope you've had a lovely past week!

This blog post is in dedication to Jiraiya, The cutest white tree frog i knew. RIP
*nom nom* Cricket!
I'm an acrobat!  03/11-07/11 ♥

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