Sunday, 17 July 2011

Y U NO understand memes?

So i realized that i haven't had a post with memes in it for a while. So here are a few to entertain you. There's also i new one I've found.
This is the new one. That blue face with a mustache; liar face. Wish that happened in real life. Like Pinocchio but better!
Y U NO! Is one of my favourites. Hopefully the title of this blog post demonstrates that well enough.
So many faces all in one meme! I love it so much. And it includes Dr. Seuss. So a future primary school teacher that appeals to me immensely!
Oh the joys of windows. i wish i had a mac, because windows really is a bit sucky sometimes! But i don't want to give in to apple!
It's a hipster within a hipster! Everyone knows it cool t o be a hipster now, which must really piss off original hipsters!

Moving on to things which i just think are cool.
Yup, it's a smoke detector that looks like a bird. When there's only a small threat it chirps at you. But when there's a major threat it screams "dee dee dee" over and over at a very high decibel. Want.

And now some pictures of things from my life.

It was my birthday. I am now twenty. That rose on my slice of brownie is a rice paper rose which was given to me at the Chinese restaurant we had our meal it. I saved it. Then nomed it with chocolate!
And these are all my birthday cards! It's not obvious that i really like owls and cupcakes is it? Yeah thought not.
Somehow, and i really don't know how, we started to run out of cake at my house. I only just baked a lot of yummy treats! So i made this one. It's a red velvet cake decorated like a traditional Victoria sponge. It's so soft and moist and amazingly yummy. Which is something coming from me because i don't normally like sponge cakes!
This is a double rainbow. Just thought i'd show it to you. Because it's pretty and colourful!
Remember i said my brother bought me a kawaii ice-cube tray. Well this is it. There's a bear, panda, cat, chick, dog, and monkey. They're so squee!
He's in my baileys right now. Melting away. I love his little curly tail!

That's all for today. Hope you've had a lovely past week!

This blog post is in dedication to Jiraiya, The cutest white tree frog i knew. RIP
*nom nom* Cricket!
I'm an acrobat!  03/11-07/11 ♥

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Magical shapes and noms

When i lived in Spain my favourite fruit was "chiwimoya" Well that's how i used to say it anyway. And i've been sad ever since as i can't seem to find it anywhere in this country. The other day i was wandering around the internet when i came across a post called "20 fruit i bet you've never tried" Or something like that. Sadly i didn't save the URL if so i would link it. But alas i didn't. So i appologise for that.
The major problem i had was spelling it wrong to start with!
Yeah it's a cherymoya also known as a custard apple. Because apparently it has a slight taste of custard. Maybe it's just me but i don't remember it tasting like that at all! It's the texture of a ripe pear. Well softness anyway. The flesh is delicious and amazing. I want one right now! As for the taste, it's hard to describe. Try describing what an apple tastes like without comparing it to an apple. Difficult isn't it!
This fruit was also on the list. Yes, it was number one. Apparently the most amazing thing in the world. As my image states it is miraculin, a sugar substitute which makes it miraculous. But the fruit being sweet isn't a miracle. The fact that the sweetness somehow sticks to your tongue and your sour receptors think you're tasting something sweet for a good while after eating it. Apparently there are tasting parties in the US where people eat the miracle fruit then a variety of other food to see how it effects their flavour. I want to eat a lemon after one of these. Imagine a sweet lemon!
The best contribution of this fruit that i can think of is as a diet aid. Fat people love sweet foods right? Just get them to eat some of these before i nice tasty fruit or vegetable salad. Yum.

Now on to the less exciting but equally pleasing non-edible things i've found.
It's an umbrella shaped like a heart! I've wanted one of these for a while but never known where to get one. Apparently (according to google) there's loads of places which sell them on the internet, in a variety of colours too. I want a baby pink one please!
These are keys, in weird shapes. I like the gun one best. There were a lot of other ones but these were the coolest as the actual key part is included in the design of the key. Some were like mickey mouse with a key jutting out of his head. Not as cool.
I'm just throwing this in because i like it. Fairy lights are awesome!

Now moving on to another topic. Bento! I've shown you bento boxes before, but what can truely make a bento box is the accessories.
These picks are some of my favourites. You can turn food into a balloon, flower, umbrella, ring or chicken drumstick. Turn a cherry tomato into an apple or a couple into cherries. If anything is going to make your kids eat healthy foods it's these!
How adorable are those hats! Now i want to give all of my food faces just so i can give them hats!
You really do need to wander over to all things for sale, it's an American site but all of their products are so cheap. If i ever get kids i'm going to buy their stock in bulk!
They have everything from bento boxes, cups and hard boiled egg molds (they're amazing!) to sandwich cutters, stamps and nori cutters.

Anyway have fun getting lost in all the kawaii bento items they have. Before i go i have to mention that my brother bought me a kawaii ice cube tray which makes animal shaped ice-cubes! I'll take a picture one day and show you. I love it!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Grammar and Randomness

I Admit it, I'm a grammar Nazi. If you've never heard that term before I'm not trying to compare myself with a Nazi and i appologise if it offends you. But if you have you'll know what I'm on about. I hate reading things which contain bad grammar. Well not so much grammar, but spelling. Here's a picture demonstrating my main spelling pet peeves.
The one i hate most it they're/their/there. I have a friend who always writes it as they're. Annoys the hell out of me. Ah well.
I do actually use this comma. Since I started reading academic journals at university and they all use the oxford comma. I swear at primary school they tell you not to use it though. If you're using and you don't need a comma. I'm going to be a primary school teacher sometime soon, so I'm sure I'll find out at some point.
Yes, although i call myself a grammar Nazi, I do actually get things wrong sometimes. But my mistakes are never as bad as the above example."Too", "Its", "Dificult". Fail!

Anyway. Moving on to things I think are cool.
This is actually a realistic idea for a kitchen i think. Most of my house ideas normally involve secret rooms and other expensive things. This would make it a lot easier to add extra people around than table just by squashing instead of adding another chair. It's also just like a restaurant. Well some of them anyway. The best ones. Red Robin *cough cough*
So i was playing Sims the other day, the first one. I was extremely bored, don't judge me! And my baby transformed into a child and this creepy lady face appeared as my child's face. My actual child was normal looking though and next time i went on all was normal. The weirdest bit about it is that the one on the congratulations pop up is frowning. And the one next to the family faces is smiling. Odd.
I want to make a couple of these. It's genius! All you have to do is snap a glow stick, tear it open, tip the inside into a jar, and shake. That simple yet so effective.
This is a pine forest in Poland where around 400 trees grow at a 90 degree angle facing north. This is an inexplicable occurrence and a pine tree forest close by is completely normal. It's called the "Crooked Forest" and I really want to go there!
I think this is such a cute idea for a wedding, but it could also be used for other occasions. How about a parent and newborn with their name or the word baby inside? I would try and think of more for you, but I'm lazy. I'm sure you could think of some pretty awesome ones for yourself.
Last but not least i leave you with this beauty. My little brother is convinced that the zombie apocalypse will happen so this would be perfect for him.

I hope you have a good week.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Baking week and random creativity

This week i have made a ridiculous amount of cakes. I can't show you a picture of one of them right now because it's in the oven as we speak. That one is my birthday cake, because i turn twenty tomorrow. And by birthday cake i mean tray of brownies. There will be plenty of pictures taken of it soon.
Right so the first thing i made was pie.
It was going to say I ♥ apples. But ran out of space for the s. As you can probably guess it was an apple pie. And it was so yummy. I kind of want some more. This was for my mum. She loves tart pies.
The same day i decided we also needed more cake. As i loved the cake-cones (cupcakes baked in icecream cones) so much i decided to make some more.
As you can see this time i added flakes. I also did a dollop of frosting instead of swirls. Yes it's less realistic, but there was far too much frosting last time. The ratio was off. i also used chocolate sauce this time so it remains nice and sticky instead of melted chocolate. And one more variation was adding sprinkles to the cake mix. They are so good!
The same day i made more cakes. Well Rice crispy cakes. they are one of the very few things one of my brothers is not allergic to. So they contain no dairy, nuts or egg.
I made them using toffee and marshmallow. They were the stickiest thing i've ever had to work with. But definitely worth it.
After all of that baking i took i day off. But we had lots of pastry left over so today i made a few more things. Firstly i thought we needed something savoury so i made a quiche.
It is spinach, pepper, onion and cheese flavour. I can't tell you how it tastes yet as it's my dinner for tonight but it sure does look good.
Even after this there was still pastry scraps left over so i made some mini red current tarts.

The three at the bottom of the first picture are actually jam tarts. Not red current. They are made with my little brothers home made crab apple jam. It's so tasty!
So that's all my baking. I just took my birthday brownie out of the oven and it smells good i'm telling you! Can't wait to eat a giant slice tomorrow.

Right, as i said i took a day off of baking but that day off actually involved crafts of a different type. A non-edible type. This week I did lots of painting. And a bit of gluing and cutting.
Painting first.
Firstly my mum said she wanted a new door sign for the front door.
 This side is for when we are at home, in the house, somewhere. Our house is pretty big and the knocker is sometimes hard to hear so it's just to let the postman or builders or whoever that we are actually in.
The second side if for when we're at home but in the garden. Obviously. Just to let everyone know where we are.
And because i liked the flower design so much i also added it to these frames i was re-painting. They looked all knackered and old before.
Aren't they so cute! Now i just need a couple of pictures of me and my boyfriend. Perfect.
The last thing i painted was owls. I love them. Every post must include owls!

They are supposed to be a tawny, barn, eagle and snowy owl. probably can't really tell. But i like them anyway. I want to make an army of them!
I actually stole this idea from somewhere, from someone. But i don't remember who. I think it was featured on My owl barn. I'll go have a look for you now. Bear with me.....
The last thing i made this week, well more like decorated is a pair of shoes which i want to wear to my university graduation next Wednesday.

The main issue i had with them before i that my feet would slide to the bottom, squash my toes and my make heels slip out when i walked. Annoying! So i just added giant ribbons to them. Now i love them even more than when i first bought them; they were just so boring!

Hope you've been having a nice week. See you next week!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fabric flowers and cupcakes

I got his owl ring! Yay!  it looks better than the picture makes it out. I took it in the dark so the flash makes it look funny. But i love it!
 I got a glue gun! it's my new favourite toy. I can think of hundreds of things to make with this beauty and i want to do them all right now. Guess i'll spread them out though so i can cure my boredom over time. haha.
 These are the first things i made.
They started out as normal flip-flops from Target in the US with plastic straps which would rub on my feet if i wore them for a long time. So i cut off the straps threaded on some flower printed fabric and glue-gunned the bottom of the fabric into the holes where the plastic straps sat before. They are so comfy too! and because you can tie them behind the ankle they don't slip off. Win.

Oh yes. I don't have access to the sewing machine as it's buried under mountains of kitchen stuff (our kitchen is being renovated)  so i can't make the pillows i want to do which sucks ever so slightly.

I plaited some white fabric for these which frayed a lot when i cut it, so it has the appearance of rope. I don't like these as much so may change them at some point.
I also used my glue gun to make these fabric rosettes which i then stuck onto hair clips. Such a cute accessory!
I made these icecream cones (cupcakes) which i showed you in a previous post. They turned out really yummy and i can't wait to make more. I've got proper chocolate sauce this time too instead of melted chocolate. I really want to use meringue instead of frosting too. Don't know how that will work out, but we'll see.
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom! I had the last one yesterday. It was good.

You will probably want to check this out in full size. I like it because of the owl. Obviously.