Saturday, 11 June 2011

Pinterest, my new obsession.

So i discovered a new website today called pinterest. It's "A place to catalog the things you love". It's pretty much full of amazing photos that you can add to your own page.
Here are a couple of pictures that i found that i adore/ want to make.
How genius is that! i can't believe that bagels fit so perfectly into old CD case thingys. If  i can find some of these around my house i'm putting them in the Tupperware draw!
This is so Kawaii! Who else here would love to get an egg in the post, telling you to crack it. (Crack an amazingly beautiful Easter egg decoration?! WHY!!! <-- immediate response) But when you open it up you receive a lovely letter from a friend. Smile!
I've seen these before, but i've now decided that i'm going to make them when i'm next home. I love cupcakes, I love icecream (i bought some this morning in fact) what better than to combine the two to make a delicious treat?
There's a wall like this in one of the student pubs i think it's in the CAI (Cardiff Arts Institute) I think. I remember playing on it before. Was very sad when i went back and my creation had been destroyed though. Wish it could have lived on forever.
My little brother make newspaper plant pots when planting seedlings as they can be planted straight into the ground, But who'd of thought of lemon skin! I'm assuming you could also use oranges or kiwis. Mmm fresh nutrients.
Aren't these the cutest chocolate covers you've ever seen. You could give them to a friend who's moving, a teacher (when i'm a teacher i will demand owl gifts! haha), or pretty much anyone you're going to miss. Squee.
When i first saw this i had to think about it for a while, then i got it, then i wanted to make some. Shame i'm short of both frankfurters and spaghetti at the moment. Oh well. I'm going home (mum and dads) on Tuesday and i'm sure their cupboards are well supplied.
This goody bag is obviously meant for a teacher, who else makes you wiser? Your parents maybe but teachers, well, it's their job! And of course they'd love a goody bag full of treats as an end of year thank you. The owl is a huge Bonus. They are wise after all. We all know that.

This last picture isn't from pinterest i was just searching through blogs the other day and found it.
I realise the whole point of this picture is to show you the giant quilted B. Ucreate is full of fun ideas. But i just couldn't help falling in love with the owls! They're gorgeous. I want some on my mantle piece (not that i've got one) or on my shelf, or bookcase. I need them!

Anyway that's enough of my rambling for one day. I hope you enjoy these pictures. Back to revision.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Revision, procrastination and distractions

I've been revising for about a month now. My last exam is on Monday. Just 3 short days away and i can't wait. My last exam ever. (PGCE has no exams! woop) My first exam was in mid May and i spent about 10 days revising for it. So it's safe to say that i'm now sick and tired of revision. However there have been a few things that have kept me going.
I'll start with talking about actual revising i guess.
My exams consist of essays, lots of essays. They are also mostly seen. Or i can guess which questions will show up. I start with writing an essay and then transferring the paragraphs onto note-cards.
These get me through exams, without them i'd surely fail. I put a title on one side and the info on the other. And then play memorization games with myself!
This is my current stack of note-cards i'm aiming to memorize.
Before i do this, i try to remember the order of the note-cards and all the references, all 24 of them.
This becomes my essay plan on the day of the exam so try to get it down in around 5 minutes.
Here it is, isn't it beautiful! haha
Now for the procrastination. Recently in town they've been giving out free Lipton iced tea. Yum. I love the stuff. My boyfriend doesn't = more for me! I went and got some this morning walking past the lovely ladies about 4 times and accumulated 8 bottles. I had a few yesterday and Tuesday too!
They're supposed to get me through the whole day, meaning i don't have to go downstairs to fetch drinks while studying. But i tend to drink them as a form of procrastination. Yummy yummy procrastination. So after about an hour or so after fetching them from town my supplies are already dwindling.
I also do this annoying thing with the bottles as i'm drinking where you blow across it to make a musical instrument. Everyone must of done this at some point in their lives. As i drink the sound gets deeper and deeper. I tend to keep going until my boyfriend gets very annoyed and tells me to stop! ha.

Speaking of music. Who's seen Google homepage today? It's apparently Les Paul's 96th Birthday so it's a Guitar!!!

If you click the little keyboard under where the second g would be you can use your keyboard as a well, keyboard (piano) type thing. All you need is the top line of letters to get all the notes. qwertyuiop.
Anyone recognise this song?

It's Baa Baa Black Sheep obviously! I'm sad aren't i. I can literally find anything to do but study.

However, sometimes i am in the mood for studying and then get distracted. This distraction goes by the name of Hubba aka my boyfriend. Today i was dragged into town with him to go to the bank because he didn't "want to go alone". He finished exams 2 weeks ago today. Yes 2 weeks!

Anyway i've probably bored you enough now with my revision rant. Have a look at some cool pictures. Enjoy.

stop motion cake animation by Ali Mation. Watch it. I'm in serious awe of these cakes. Yum.

Check out this forest mural by Suzanne. She added the owl after, it's a picture. So she can remove it and add other animals as she feels. Awesome.
p.s. Yeah, the eyes glow in the dark!
Bath bombs that look like cupcakes!!!! I seriously want some of these.
Pedobear hot chocolate, Blow on it first kids, it's hot ;)
Teachers have these superpowers too, i can't wait to get them!

Back to revision. In the time it's taken me to write this post my supplies are now down to this.
And i have to pee, constantly. Oops.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Summer projects

In the summer i tend to get extremely bored. Coming home for the summer from university i find myself living in the middle of no-where. Adding to that is that i'm only friends with a couple of people at home. Most my friends are from university. I do however have multiple siblings and a dog who keep me company and entertain me.
Sometimes however, i get bored. So bored that i just start making things. This is normally the source of all my projects.
Here are a few things i'm planning on making this summer.
Pillows! I'm planning on making lots of them. Lots and lots and lots. This is just the first one. I may put the sun on one side, and embroider "you are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey" on the back.
(p.s. i forget where most of these photos are from as they've been on my computer for a while. I think most are from Etsy. If you do know please let me know so i can give them proper credit!)
Bedbuggs on Etsy
How cute is that! It will fit in nicely with my bedroom decor. I just need to go out and buy lots of fabric and pillows now.
Bedbuggs on etsy
I can see this one getting difficult as i add more layers. Not sure how my needle will cope. May just have to invest in a hot glue gun. That would get it done in no time!
I'm debating whether to embroider this onto a pillow or just a piece of fabric and put in the middle of a frame surrounded by photos of myself and my siblings. It's going to be my dads Christmas present i think. Yes i know i'm thinking way ahead, but i won't have time to do these things when doing my PGCE.
This one i plan on making for my mum. I think it would suit her bedroom really well and i can sew her and my dads names in the heart. I don't know how i'll do the tree yet as it's a print. My just have to sew that on too. This will take up a lot of time! Perfect for a month free in summer!
Moving on away from pillows. I have a few old flip flips from Target which rub on my feet dreadfully. I'm planning on doing this: cutting off the strap and replacing it with fabric. It looks so simple. It knots under the sole and fits nicely into the gap left by the plastic straps. Plus you can have multiple fabrics and change them around to match different outfits!
I got this idea from mother hurdle, check it out. She's awesome.
She also make these ones.
They tie behind the ankle and have small straps from the original strap hole to hole it in place. I think i may also try braiding some fabric to make it even more adorable!

Anyway that's all for today!
p.s. if you know my parents, Please don't tell them about the pillows i'm planning!

Monday, 6 June 2011


Who doesn't love a cute little baby? I do that's for sure. They're so flexible and talk about the most random stuff. When they're old enough to talk, and start walking they wander around like little drunk people.
This is probably one of the main reasons i want to be a teacher. They just make you laugh so much and all happy inside at how silly they are.
How flexible is that baby!? But then again i bet all babies can do this. They're just awesome like that. yay for being flexible. Boo for losing that super power as we grow up.
Isn't it nice when your fluffy cat is bigger than you are? I want a giant fluffy kitty that i can snuggle with all day. Well that's a lie, i'd rather it were a giant puppy. Cats make me sneeze!
Hahaha I really don't remember actually ever thinking that my nose really was stolen. But adults try so hard to convince you sometimes you just have to play along. I would give her nose back instantly, already paying enough for nappies!
Anyone who's watched Avatar the last airbender will understand this haircut. It's actually genius, now to convince my little brother to do it... Doubt he'd look as adorable though seeing as he's over 6ft tall!
Multicouloured eyes why are you so amazing. I've never seen green and blue before, only blue/green and brown. But this little girl is so cute. I bet she'll have all the boys running after her when she grows up.

Right now away from pictures of babies, and onto things that babies would like.
My brother and i used to draw pictures of what we wanted our rooms to look like when we were older. Mine consisted of a floating bed surrounded by a pink netting with a cosy room underneath it. I know this bed isn't exactly like what i used to want but it's pretty close. A cosy room under your bed! and a slide, i'm jealous of the child who owns this masterpiece.
u-create is a website full of crafty things that you can make and they've even got a page for kids create where there's a bunch of creative activities you can do with your kids. This is an amazing site for me to stumble upon because as a primary school teacher you have to come up with things to do in art lessons. And i'm just a DIY addict anyway. (p.s. their logo involves a picture of an Owl!)
This is my last picture for the day. It's a plant pot with a water well at the bottom. The little squirrel floats so when the pot is full is head pokes up clearly through the hole in the tree. But when the water is running low he ducks down. This is a great pot for use with children, to help them learn to take care of living things. They know exactly how much water to put in and exactly when it needs more water. Simples.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Zi's Cafe

It exists! My new favourite place in the whole of Cardiff. Want to know why? Because it serves bubble tea! also known as boba tea.
You can find it on Woodville road in Cathays opposite the big church. The people who work there are so friendly and even gave me extra boba after i said that i love it so much.
It's really cheap at £2.80 so a favourite with the local students. I don't know how i didn't know about this place before. It's a shame that it's my last year in Cardiff.

This is the one i got, yeah i know it's looking kind of empty but i couldn't resist drinking it on the way home. Straw aimed right at the boba. This flavour is Honey Dew and it's absolutely amazing. They also do Original, Apple, Yam and Strawberry. My aim is to try them all before i leave next month!
Here's a picture of the "bubbles" yummy squishy little tapioca pearls. I'm chewing on some as i type. They are divine. That's all for now. Just wanted to make you jealous.

bubbles, bubbles, my bubbles

Bubble tea is amazing. For any of you who haven't tried it it's made of milky or fruity tea, or a smoothie or pretty much whatever you want. Then the bubbles are made from Tapioca pearls. I first had it in America but it is originally from Thailand i think. Or Taiwan. I can't really remember. If you're curious though i'm sure Google will give you all the answers.
It's so yummy and i was craving some the other day. Apparently there's a place in Cardiff that does it called Zi's Cafe on Woodville road. And my boyfriend informs my that his sister gets it from somewhere on city road. But seeing as he never really listens to her properly doesn't know where. I will get it one day though!

I found the cutest bubble tea charm the other day on etsy made from polymer clay. I seriously love the stuff. I've written a post about it before i think.
Don't they just look adorable! I want one in ring form.

I recently found another blog that had a post about bubbles. Giant bubbles. And she had a way of making them yourself at home!
It's pretty much two sticks. A long piece of string and a shorter one. And you need something to weigh the longer one down with. Then you make a bubbly watery mixture and get making bubbles! The blog post is available here. Mrs Jones Blog.

This is just a random cake with bubbles on it. Yum.

And  for my last type of bubbles today i bring you bubbles, from finding Nemo. I have a friend who was obsessed with this clip.

Right onto the owls. I've always got to have some owls.
To make this cute little owl timer work you just twist his head around to the right time. I love that owls can turn their heads all the way round. They'd be the best teachers. Wise and always know what you're doing. They don't need to have eyes on the back of their heads.

This apron is the winner of an apron designing competition on spoonflower designed by Cean Irminger. The patterns and directions are both available on the same yard piece of fabric. Genius. Owl be Darned.

Now for a nice relaxing weekend off. Enjoy everyone.