I am in love with this cute little owl. He is just the most adorable thing ever. And the best thing about it is that a Wallpaper and note-paper with his gorgeous face on them is downloadable for free from here.
Paper and lights i guess don't really mix well. Well people don't tend to think they do. If you're paranoid it may be the intense fear that the paper will catch on fire. But i just adore these.
I'm pretty sure that i found these on My Owl Barn Blog that i've told you about before. But i'm not 100% certain. Anyway, i love the heart shaped doilies in a chain with cute fairy lights wrapped around them. Perfect for Christmas decos, christenings, weddings or just my bedroom!I guess it's a paper theme today then. (I create my blog titles, and half of what's in each entry after the first few pictures. I search for a theme. apparently these two have paper in common. Go me!)
More doilies. Has anyone seen cupcake wrappers before. Or am i just totally cupcake obsessed and thus know about these things? Well you can make them with doilies! I can't believe i've never seen this idea before. It's actually genius.
Here are some real ones.
When i was thinking what else i could possibly add to this blog post one thing instantly came to mind. Origami. I love it. I even have origami crane chains hanging from my window. I love the shadows when the light shines through them. Truly gorgeous.
Anyway check out this origami cupcake!
I love the flower on top. so cute.
And how about these bad boys.
It's owls! I am in love with the bottom left one. Now i found these picture on Google. So don't know where i can find instructions on how to make them. But trust me i will. Fingers crossed my end result looks just as cute!
Now to go completely off topic, i found this amazing game. Well my boyfriend did. And i love him for it. Remember how i said that Nyan Cat and Robot Unicorn Attacks match so well. Because of the mythical creature, rainbows and squeeness. Well now they have merged to become one. Not in a creepy mutant animal way. But Nyan cat now features in a robot unicorn attack-like game. It can be found here nyanicorn. Yes the graphics aren't as good, and rainbows only show up when you dash. But you jump around collecting junk food, and dashing through leeks to destroy them! Yay.
Hope you had a lovely long weekend (in the UK anyway. Monday was a bank holiday!)